Image: Sunbury Shores, oil on wood panel, Theresa MacKnight, 2019

Sunbury Shores Arts & Nature Centre Inc. is a non-profit cultural centre for the connections between art and nature. Our beautiful location and facilities create a unique opportunity for artists and families.

Every year we offer a wide variety of courses designed for all, from beginners to professionals; including our Critically Acclaimed programs led by world class instructors. Our multi-media studios, including print, ceramic and metalwork, are available to rent – with one-to-one or group tuition available by arrangement.

Sunbury Shores is open year-round while we offer arts and nature workshops and education to support our local community and the region’s schools.  We also welcome our summer residents and visiting artists and instructors from across Canada, the USA and around the world.

As a not-for-profit, this would not be possible without the hard work and commitment of our wonderful Staff, Instructors and Volunteers.

The historic seaside resort of Saint Andrews-by-the-Sea provides a rich cultural experience, while the Bay of Fundy’s dramatic coastal scenery offers an inspiring and ever-changing landscape.

Sunbury Shores has been the link between the arts and nature since 1964. This year, find out for yourself what makes us so special.

Sunbury Shores Arts and Nature Centre was founded by Mrs. Dorothy Meigs Eidlitz over 60 years ago, to create real opportunities for people to appreciate the connection between art and nature.  The centre is located in the heart of St. Andrews by-the-Sea, New Brunswick, established in 1783 and considered Canada’s premier historic seaside resort.

Sunbury Shores’ 130-year-old building is newly renovated and offers world-class facilities.  The centre’s 6,000 square feet provides two galleries for exhibitions, studios for painting, drawing, printmaking, jewellery & metalsmith, pottery and other art and nature programs.

Our founder, Mrs. Eidlitz, was an American from New York City, N.Y. She graduated from Vassar College in 1914, then did graduate work at the University of Pennsylvania and Columbia University. While she traveled the world and she became a serious photographer. Her work was recognized internationally. She was made a fellow of the Royal Photographic Society of Great Britain and a fellow of the Photographic Society of America. She spent her summers in St Andrews and she hoped that painters, writers, and scientists would come together here. Dorothy Eidlitz was a true patron of the arts and it is said she was a champion for women’s rights.

Fun fact: In 1969, Prince Philip had the first North American exhibition of his photography, here at Sunbury Shores!

The centre is open year-round and offers programs to support the local community, the region’s schools, summer residents and visiting artists coming to the area primarily from across Canada and the Eastern US seaboard.

Dorothy Eidlitz

Sunbury Shores has two beautiful, recently renovated, gallery spaces. The Water Street Gallery is the larger gallery in the front and opens onto Water Street in St. Andrews making it a highly visible exhibition space. It has natural light from large storefront windows as well as modern track lighting. The Harbour View Gallery is our second gallery. This gallery enjoys light from large windows and glass doors that overlook the deck, the garden, and a wonderful water view. The space in the wide hallway that connects the two galleries may also be used as an extra exhibition space.

The oceanfront deck and garden are available as temporary display areas for sculptures or large installations as well as performances and special events.

Gallery Map               Current Exhibits

Multi-Purpose Studio

Our centre has a large, north facing second-floor studio that serves as a multi-purpose fully equipped space appropriate for painting, life drawing, photography workshops. This space is also equipped for other practices, including stained glass, wet-felting, rug hooking, etc.  Overhead projector provides clear tuition visuals, portfolio presentation and other projected visuals.

Print Studio

Our print studio is a beautiful facility on the second floor overlooking St. Andrews Harbour. It is a well-equipped facility with two Intaglio Presses and a Lithographic Press with lithographic stones. A range of inks, rollers, papers, and non-toxic etching solvents are stocked. Although the studio is primarily non-toxic, it is equipped with extra ventilation for etching and other processes as required.

Pottery Studio

Located on the basement level, the pottery studio is equipped with two large electric kilns, four wheels, a good range and supply of chemicals and compounds for glazes, a range of molds, an extruder, and a small clay press. Drying racks, large tables and assorted hand tools are all provided.

Jewellery and Metal Studio

A very well-equipped metal studio is adjacent to the pottery studio. This space is equipped with workbench space for 8, an assortment of hand tools, a small kiln, a ventilated forge with two torches, and a metal press, roller, cutter and drill press. We also have a polishing machine, tumblers, ultra sonic cleaner, reference books, forming stumps and overhead flex shaft motors with foot control. 

Multi-Media Studio

More info and an inventory list to come soon!


We house a small non-fiction reference library for both art and nature related subjects. A useful source for inspiration, how-to’s, and general knowledge.

Sunbury Shores
Privacy Policy

SSANC is committed to protecting the privacy of the personal information of its members, employees and affiliates. SSANC values the trust of all those with whom we interact. During the course of our various projects and activities SSANC frequently gathers and uses personal information. Information gathered by SSANC is carefully protected and is obtained with express consent. This document describes SSANC’s privacy policy.

What is personal information and what does Sunbury Shores Arts & Nature Centre do with mine?
We collect information volunteered by members that include: name, email address, phone number, payment information and business information. Information provided is used: to ensure our membership database is current and accurate; to process payments for programs, sales, donations and venue/facility rentals; membership renewals; to respond to information requests; and communicate future events, and promotions.

Payment information is not stored unless member account is specifically set up to have auto-recurring payments for annual membership renewal. Members are able, by request, to change this on their account at any time from auto-recurring to manual/one-time payment and vice versa.

Who has access to my personal information?
Personal information gathered by SSANC is kept in confidence. SSANC employees and directors and affiliates are authorized to access such personal information based only on their need to deal with the information for the reason(s) for which it was obtained. Safeguards are in place to ensure that information is not shared or disclosed more widely than necessary.

With the exception of our Membership Swap collaboration with Craft NB, (comprising contact information only) your information will not be shared with any other organizations without notice.

Sunbury Shores Art & Nature Centre and Craft NB Membership Swap Collaboration
As an added benefit to general members, Sunbury Shores Arts & Nature Centre and Craft NB are combining our general memberships to provide more content and programming. This means that SSANC members will receive Craft NB general member amenities, and Craft NB members will receive our general (individual) member amenities. Please note that at any time, you may unsubscribe to Craft NB by contacting us.

Updating Privacy Policy
Sunbury Shores Arts & Nature Centre reviews its privacy practices regularly and constantly revises the policy.

Contact Information

Located in Saint Andrews New Brunswick, you can contact us using the following details.

Sunbury Shores Arts & Nature Centre
139 Water Street, St. Andrews NB  E5B 1A7

Phone: 506.529.3386

General Hours: Mon – Sat 10am – 4pm
Closed Sundays & Holidays