Board of Directors

Sharon E. McGladdery

Board Chair (President)

Sharon (she/her) is a marine biology scientist who retired in 2015 after 30 years working for Fisheries and Oceans Canada in St Andrews, Moncton and Ottawa. She joined the Sunbury Shores Board shortly after her return to St Andrews in 2009, as Director of the St Andrews Biological Station. She loves the juxtaposition of art and nature, as well as Sunbury Shore’s role as an inclusive centre for all levels of artistic creativity and appreciation. In 2016, she stepped down from her second Board term to take on the Executive Director role at the Centre in an interim capacity for a year. Her other, local, Board experience includes the Fundy Community Foundation, Huntsman Marine Science Centre and Charlotte Dial-A-Ride. She is also involved with the St Andrews Nature Club, the Kiwanis Club of St Andrews, and the Garden-by-the-Sea Club (as a proponent of gardening-by-neglect).

Susan Lazor

Vice Chair

Susan (she/her) has a bachelor’s degree in business administration and a master’s degree in public administration, with a concentration in non-profit management, from the University of Maine. She has held accounting and fundraising positions within the non-profit sector. She has attended numerous art classes at Sunbury Shores and is passionate about the organization and its role within the community. Susan as an artist works in several mediums. She is an award-winning wood carver, has exhibited in stone and works in metal. Currently drawn to watercolour, she finds inspiration in the wonders of the natural environment around her.  She looks to apply her business and creative background to ensure access for all to Sunbury Shores, a vital community asset.

Richard Bale


A graduate of UBC, Université Laval and Carleton University, Richard is a retired Canadian diplomat who spent three-quarters of his career working in Canadian embassies abroad, primarily in Europe, Asia and Africa. Acutely aware of the potential of the arts to promote Canada and Canadian values, as well as the importance of exposing Canada’s creative industries to international audiences, he has worked overseas with anglophone, francophone, indigenous and immigrant Canadian artists in sectors as diverse as film, theatre, literature and music. He has also been active in supporting young local artists as entrepreneurs in areas such as art, fashion, music and dance. Impressed – when he retired with his spouse to Chamcook Lake in early 2023 – by the strong community spirit of Charlotte County as well as by the vibrancy of its artistic and creative communities, Richard looks forward to contributing to the dynamism of Sunbury as it moves towards its second sixty years as a key element of the regional arts ecosystem.

Andrew Harrison


Andrew moved to St. Andrews in 2009 to open a law practice focused on real estate, wills and estates law. Prior to this he has lived in Fredericton, Halifax and Ottawa. Andrew has a B.A. from King’s College in Halifax, and a LL.B. / M.B.A. from the University of New Brunswick in Fredericton. Andrew has served on the boards of the Dragonfly Centre, Fundy Community Foundations, Van Horne Estate on Ministers Island, the Kiwanis Club of St. Andrews, as well as serving on Town Council for a term. He maintains his position on the Kiwanis Club and  recently joined the board of Home Support Services in St. Stephen.

Andrew has always enjoyed taking courses at the centre and attending the gallery openings. His time serving on other boards has increased his awareness of the impact that Sunbury Shore’s youth & school programs have on the community as well as their financial needs. He joins the Sunbury Shores’ board with a belief in the community role the gallery aims to have for many years to come.

Clare Bridge

Board Trustee

Following her arts career in New England, Clare (she/her) has been a metalsmith living initially in Nova Scotia prior to moving to Harvey, New Brunswick in 2022. Over the years Clare has been a recognized artisan, winning a number of awards in Nova Scotia with her one-of-a kind jewelry, inspired by nature. In addition, she owned and operated two fine craft galleries in New England. Therefore, her background, infused with “both sides of the table”, has enabled her to aid in non-profit arts groups with organizational planning and development, while recognizing the unique, creative skills of the many artists she has come into contact with over the years. It is with this experience and energy that she is proud to join the board of Sunbury Shores Arts & Ecology, and encourage inspiring new paths for artists and the community.

Diane Ganong

Board Trustee

Diane is a registered nurse and graduate of International Development Studies from McGill University. She worked on the Kidney Transplant Unit of the Royal Victoria Hospital in Montreal and embraced community volunteer work, on top of being a full-time mother and grandmother. She was President of UNICEF Canada, and owned two St Stephen businesses (Antiquarius Antiques & Collectables, and Bistro on the Boulevard). Other Board and volunteer commitments include the Windsor Foundation, Saint Andrews Dragonboat Club, Fundy Region Transition House, Charlotte Dial a Ride and Neighbourhood Works in St Stephen. Diane brings a passion for community that will greatly contribute to the all-inclusive mandate for creativity provided by Sunbury Shores.

Jennifer Baird

Board Trustee

Jennifer Baird is a New Brunswick based artist and educational leader with two decades of professional experience in the field of public education. With deep roots in Atlantic Canada and a vested interest in improving quality of life through innovative excellence in education, Jennifer is focused on building community and bridging urban and rural divides through equitable access to enrichment and the arts. A graduate of the New Brunswick College of Craft and Design (ceramics), Jennifer holds undergraduate degrees in Anthropology and Education (UNB), masters degrees in Educational Psychology (MSVU) and Educational Leadership (MUN), and is currently pursuing doctoral studies at Western University. Her pottery and paintings are influenced by local maritime landscapes, functionality, and honouring the beauty of simplicity.

Kelly Hickey

Board Trustee

Kelly Hickey moved to beautiful St. Andrews with her family after living in the Netherlands for three years, where she and her husband worked on green energy projects. A passionate environmentalist, Kelly is a big supporter of our much needed energy transition, especially after working in various parts of oil development and seeing the harm that dependence on fossil fuels causes to our environments and economies. Born in St. John’s, Newfoundland, Kelly completed her first degree in Psychology and then her Master’s in Gender Studies while leading students to organize around issues of equality and justice. She then worked in several male-dominated jobs in resource development before forming her own business to help women in male-dominated industries called, Strong Women Co. Kelly is a community organizer and a passionate art lover who is thrilled to be part of an organization and cultural centre which creates connections between art and nature.
Sunbury Shores
Privacy Policy

SSANC is committed to protecting the privacy of the personal information of its members, employees and affiliates. SSANC values the trust of all those with whom we interact. During the course of our various projects and activities SSANC frequently gathers and uses personal information. Information gathered by SSANC is carefully protected and is obtained with express consent. This document describes SSANC’s privacy policy.

What is personal information and what does Sunbury Shores Arts & Nature Centre do with mine?
We collect information volunteered by members that include: name, email address, phone number, payment information and business information. Information provided is used: to ensure our membership database is current and accurate; to process payments for programs, sales, donations and venue/facility rentals; membership renewals; to respond to information requests; and communicate future events, and promotions.

Payment information is not stored unless member account is specifically set up to have auto-recurring payments for annual membership renewal. Members are able, by request, to change this on their account at any time from auto-recurring to manual/one-time payment and vice versa.

Who has access to my personal information?
Personal information gathered by SSANC is kept in confidence. SSANC employees and directors and affiliates are authorized to access such personal information based only on their need to deal with the information for the reason(s) for which it was obtained. Safeguards are in place to ensure that information is not shared or disclosed more widely than necessary.

With the exception of our Membership Swap collaboration with Craft NB, (comprising contact information only) your information will not be shared with any other organizations without notice.

Sunbury Shores Art & Nature Centre and Craft NB Membership Swap Collaboration
As an added benefit to general members, Sunbury Shores Arts & Nature Centre and Craft NB are combining our general memberships to provide more content and programming. This means that SSANC members will receive Craft NB general member amenities, and Craft NB members will receive our general (individual) member amenities. Please note that at any time, you may unsubscribe to Craft NB by contacting us.

Updating Privacy Policy
Sunbury Shores Arts & Nature Centre reviews its privacy practices regularly and constantly revises the policy.

Contact Information

Located in Saint Andrews New Brunswick, you can contact us using the following details.

Sunbury Shores Arts & Nature Centre
139 Water Street, St. Andrews NB  E5B 1A7

Phone: 506.529.3386

General Hours: Mon – Sat 10am – 4pm
Closed Sundays & Holidays