Opening Reception: Thaddeus Holownia and Brigitte Clavette

Sunbury Shores 139 Water Street, St Andrews

Thaddeus Holownia: of a feather In memory of his late partner, Gay Hansen, well-known and highly respected photographer Thaddeus Holownia has created a body of work celebrating beauty in the natural world through bird plumage. Gay’s long professional career in the Biology Department at Mount Allison University included amassing a collection of study skins, mounted birds, nests and eggs that reflect her love of ornithology. From this collection, Holownia has put together a photographic print tribute. After a long and distinguished career as Professor and Department Head at Mount A, Holownia is continuing his work as an artist. He has participated in many solo and group exhibitions in Canada and internationally and he has received many grants and awards. His work has been part of numerous collaborations, bookwork and portfolios and is in many public and private collections.   Brigitte Clavette: Vessel forms and other Curiosities A personal selection of sterling silver, bronze and copper objects created by acclaimed artist Brigitte Clavette during the past 44 years, and part of her private collection. Along with more recent work, this singular exhibition of hollowware metal objects provides a glimpse of the award-winning artist’s innate creativity, curiosity, and excellence as an outstanding contemporary metalsmith. […]