Video Projects

An Oral History of Sunbury Shores, 60th Anniversary Celebration

In celebration of Sunbury Shores Arts and Nature Centre’s sixtieth anniversary, Intern Film-Maker Dawson Hatt interviewed artists, former board members, former directors, instructors, members and the community to give us a glimpse of the past.

0:00 Evan Gill, Former Board Member

2:10 Peggy Saunders, Member

4:06 Dr. Stephen Kress, Naturalist

7:22 Nancy Aiken, Former Director & Sharon Yates, Artist and Professor of Art, M.I.C.A

10:12 Robert Van De Peer, Master Printmaker

12:39 Jamie Steel, Former Director

14:54 Cathy Ross, Artist

17:07 Leo Despres, Ceramics Artist and Instructor

19:10 Muriel Jarvis, Former Board Chair

21:24 John Leroux, Manager of Collection and Exhibitions at the Beaverbrook Art Gallery

24:13 Chantal Vincent, Art Instructor

26:41 Tom Moffatt, Artist

29:57 Anne Johnston, Artist

32:20 Thaddeus Holownia, Artist and Professor of Photography 

Film Stewardship Project: A Senior-Youth Video Project of short documentaries about Climate Change

On September 23, Sunbury Shores organized the inaugural Fundy Film Festival that featured The Art of Stewardship, three short docs created by teams of youth and seniors from Charlotte County. Working with New Brunswick film directors, Matt Brown, Lauchlan Ough, and Jeff Lively, the three teams wrote, filmed, and edited films based on global warming. This project is funded in part by the Government of Canada’s New Horizons for Seniors Program.
Team I – Project Village (4:10)
Filmmaker Mentor: Jeff Lively
Guest: Brianna Cowie, Eastern Charlotte Waterways
Vicki Smith
Theresa MacKnight
Bryan Clarke
Sadie McGinn
Mark Stewart
Team II – Part of the Solution (3:42)
Filmmaker Mentor: Lauchlan Ough
Guest scientist: Dr. Helen Gurney-Smith, St Andrews Biological Station
Walter Emrich
Brayden Stewart
Leigh Beaton
Lisa Malleck
Wayne Hitchcock
Abby MacLeod

Avec les sous-titres en français – cliquez ici

Team III – This is my shoreline (3:15)
Filmmaker Mentor: Matthew Brown
Guest: Alanna Morgan, Artist
Deb Farlow
Savelii Kostrikin
Ethan Cunningham
Ann Manuel
Henry Hanson
Q & A with Team III
Guest docs by Jeff Lively
Stewardship of the Land at Ross Ranch, for Environment Canada
Helpful Hoofs at Kingsbrae Garden, for Kingsbrae Gardens

Art Attack: Local Artist Interviews


Visiting Fragments

Sunbury Shores
Privacy Policy

SSANC is committed to protecting the privacy of the personal information of its members, employees and affiliates. SSANC values the trust of all those with whom we interact. During the course of our various projects and activities SSANC frequently gathers and uses personal information. Information gathered by SSANC is carefully protected and is obtained with express consent. This document describes SSANC’s privacy policy.

What is personal information and what does Sunbury Shores Arts & Nature Centre do with mine?
We collect information volunteered by members that include: name, email address, phone number, payment information and business information. Information provided is used: to ensure our membership database is current and accurate; to process payments for programs, sales, donations and venue/facility rentals; membership renewals; to respond to information requests; and communicate future events, and promotions.

Payment information is not stored unless member account is specifically set up to have auto-recurring payments for annual membership renewal. Members are able, by request, to change this on their account at any time from auto-recurring to manual/one-time payment and vice versa.

Who has access to my personal information?
Personal information gathered by SSANC is kept in confidence. SSANC employees and directors and affiliates are authorized to access such personal information based only on their need to deal with the information for the reason(s) for which it was obtained. Safeguards are in place to ensure that information is not shared or disclosed more widely than necessary.

With the exception of our Membership Swap collaboration with Craft NB, (comprising contact information only) your information will not be shared with any other organizations without notice.

Sunbury Shores Art & Nature Centre and Craft NB Membership Swap Collaboration
As an added benefit to general members, Sunbury Shores Arts & Nature Centre and Craft NB are combining our general memberships to provide more content and programming. This means that SSANC members will receive Craft NB general member amenities, and Craft NB members will receive our general (individual) member amenities. Please note that at any time, you may unsubscribe to Craft NB by contacting us.

Updating Privacy Policy
Sunbury Shores Arts & Nature Centre reviews its privacy practices regularly and constantly revises the policy.

Contact Information

Located in Saint Andrews New Brunswick, you can contact us using the following details.

Sunbury Shores Arts & Nature Centre
139 Water Street, St. Andrews NB  E5B 1A7

Phone: 506.529.3386

General Hours: Mon – Sat 10am – 4pm
Closed Sundays & Holidays