Opening: Fantastical Transformations

Sunbury Shores 139 Water Street, St Andrews

Cadieux, Twombly, & Pappas Fantastical Transformations is the work of a collective of three professional artists who explore imaginary, idyllic, dreamy and sometimes sinister nature scapes and portraiture. The multimedia exhibition presents a vision that is somewhat creepy yet filled with a spark of levity and fun that embraces the fantastic. Roisin Cadieux recycles her massive archive of antique music into paper-based sculptural forms including mythical beasts and animals; Diane Twombly photographs, then digitally deconstructs abandoned or declining architecture and re-imagines them in more spacious, dream-inspired landscapes or lost places; and Jeannie Pappas' sculptural creatures suggest a ceramic menagerie that reflects nature as well as folklore and mysticism.