Opening: Fantastical Transformations

Sunbury Shores 139 Water Street, St Andrews, New Brunswick, Canada

Cadieux, Twombly, & Pappas Fantastical Transformations is the work of a collective of three professional artists who explore imaginary, idyllic, dreamy and sometimes sinister nature scapes and portraiture. The multimedia exhibition presents a vision that is somewhat creepy yet filled with a spark of levity and fun that embraces the fantastic. Roisin Cadieux recycles her massive archive of antique music into paper-based sculptural forms including mythical beasts and animals; Diane Twombly photographs, then digitally deconstructs abandoned or declining architecture and re-imagines them in more spacious, dream-inspired landscapes or lost places; and Jeannie Pappas' sculptural creatures suggest a ceramic menagerie that reflects nature as well as folklore and mysticism.

Opening: Yonder is the Sea: Wiebe & Beckley

Sunbury Shores 139 Water Street, St Andrews, New Brunswick, Canada

Mother and daughter duo, Jennifer Wiebe and Lena Beckley, celebrate the natural world through observational painting in oil and watercolor. Wiebe’s work captures the dynamic and playful relationship between sunlight and the moving surface of water. Beckley examines in detail the various textures found within local seashells. Each artist invites the viewer to consider the wonder and abundance of beauty found within and around Atlantic region coastlines.