Donate to Course Programs


Support our course program and receive a charitable tax receipt.

Your donation will help us employ instructors and run our several course programs and workshops for children and adults, such as the Children Learning Art at Sunbury Shores (C.L.A.S.S.), the Critically Acclaimed Artist Program (CAAP), and the In-Process Creative Studio Program (IPCS).

Donate over $500, and you receive a complimentary SSANC Membership!

Find out more ways to donate!

SKU: DA-CAP-20 Category:


When you support Sunbury Shores Arts & Nature Centre, you help our community to:

  • Discover the joy of creating art with our hands.
  • Offer free programs to seniors, children, and youth-at-risk.
  • Paint that picture we have always dreamed of.
  • Create art on the shore, in the woods, under the sun and stars.
  • Build an understanding and appreciation of nature.
  • Work with renowned arts and nature instructors.
  • Experience art created by local, national, & international artists.
  • Learn first-hand about the natural world and environmental issues.